Monday, December 13, 2010

London Chess Classic round 4 report

News release
Saturday 11th December 2010

Passed the midpoint of the tournament, and now we have a common leader. World champion Vishy Anand birthday marked 41 Category 后加入卢克麦克 Shin Nigel Short (who drew Mickey Adams) in a leadership position. This is not such a good day for the England players David Howell can be resolved on Friday to Vladimir Kramnik.Completion of the last race in the village Karlsson, Magnus five hours later to win the game. Therefore, the evaluation: Vishy Anand, 卢克麦克谢恩 8 / 12.7 Vladimir Kramnik, Carlsen 6, Hikaru Nakamura 5, Mickey Adams, 5.2, David Howell, Nigel Short 1.
Walk in the park
Sunday saw the two leaders of the conflict, but Monday is a rest day. I am sure that everyone is looking to get rid of intolerance, and at least Vlad Carat Moo Nike who told us that his 7 hours and forty-seven minutes of recording Marathon 卢克麦克谢恩 personal of his time on the plane. I have no inside information in the paper industry, the Director-General of the field out of the super-consistent. One of them, 卢克麦克谢恩 and residents in London, so I think it will not move away from its place in Pimlico on Thursday. Ke Muni, known as the Carat Vlad is a 'night owl' Hey so you may be inherent in the day, but may pop down to the river near the studios Riverside in Hammersmith where exempted Fidel parrot inter husband and his years of world title since the search of inspiration for the competition ahead.
What I propose a walk in the park. London may be a good choice or open space to choose, my personal favorite is Richmond Park, mainly due to it is very convenient to where I live is that it is a natural reserve, where you can see friends, the requirement for a variety of birds and other animals. It is not very convenient central London so the best option may be the St. James Park, with its views of the eclectic mix of water and a huge bird. For example, to look at this ...
This is the opinion of the British Government, and St. James Park, with all the government buildings together like a strange picture of a fairy tale. Here's another ...Perhaps hard to believe that this building is right in the heart of London. This is the so-called Swiss cottage in St. James Park, and only a short distance the prime minister the official 10 Downing Street.
Plants and animals in the park is also quite surprising. For example, the terrible monster ...
Swans in the garden of St. James. Hardly a native species, but they were introduced to the park a few centuries ago, and growth, and sliding up and down the lake as if in their own home. I want to believe it is imported from Sicily (Sicily Pelican -? Get it), but the fact that this is the original Russian Ambassador Pelican King Charles II in 1664. A few years ago, a pelican in the park, scared pigeons gulping live on the eyes and ears. At the same time to guard against the danger of the bathroom in the air, as is the case now in a growing number of Peregrine falcons and birds who is London's most famous fast food of choice.
Move from St James to Buckingham Palace, you can see some of the things the traditional "tourist", such as the bright color of soldiers marching up and down ...
And the 'statue of Queen Victoria to celebrate the building's most popular bars in the UK soap opera' East ...
... Or maybe the queen of the 19 th century, and especially if that be the case. Her husband, Prince Albert, in Hyde Park (open space fixed, it was recommended to a large extent), and stand in honor of Victoria, the husband of her very popular.
In 1962, a satirical magazine published photos private investigator Albert Memorial, titled 'the first man in space, and the United Kingdom.
But enough of the tourist guide. We still have to deal with the event the fourth round.After some initial difficulties arise with the rest of Sicily open to him, Nigel Short, and seems to do well in all over 28, when Vishy Anand made him open the g - the seventh document and countries smoking. He worked in all parts of Persia to assist in the attack, but there is a difference, a pawn sacrifice, and then split on the road through Bishop King Vishy. But there is an error in his calculations - Vishy has a simple ... 38 Qd6! Cover all the mating threat. That a piece of drift and, therefore, fall on his sword, Alternative A did not finish entertainment wing of the crowd.
Vladimir Kramnik to establish a stable feature, the opening of the (field Glenn) to David Howell and OpenedFilesView up h - a file Brooks infiltration. It is not easy to make and think of further progress in the filter looks like a very dangerous situation.However, the establishment of Vlad and his seventh Bishop smoking suddenly in the G4 and the difficulty of blacks that are not concerned about the protection of His Majesty the King. Found David tried to promote and despair, B5, and its power to prevent further precision Vlad the advanced nature of the soldiers d. End of the game.Vlad is now a point behind leaders Vishy and Luke.
卢克麦克谢恩 OpenedFilesView peaceful and G3 and Mickey Adams gradually assumed the initiative. The foundations of his wife, Queen and smoke, and ranked seventh, but Luke is an exchange of queens and tactical skills to reduce tension.Further contacts, and finally came to the bishops of opposite color game - bring it.
Hikaru Nakamura has responded Karlsson British Open and the order of the Ministry of Defence of the Netherlands, but outside the Norwegian of the advantages of openness and stability. Interesting exchange of the economic situation when Magnus Bishop Knight (23 and 24 Bxb6 BD4). Hikaru seems that it might be OK with two bishops, but the pressure to tell the time Magnus tired of Hikaru no time to work on the consequences or 33 Rd8 ...! Thought it might be best to try. Left and missed a desperate sacrifice Rxg6 38 + message, piece, chaos. Magnus technology is fine, and he soon brought the game has ended.

London, and the second in the London International Chess Classic (4), November 12, 2010Mika Wilson - You villageOpening of the United Kingdom1 C4's inWas confirmed by Magnus 'Anglophile' when it comes to his choice of open or white ...1 ... F5 key... Hikaru, the Netherlands and the black stuff. Of course, this is not true as Dutch White does not play any stage D4.G3 or Nf6 2 3 4 BG2 D6-third from the gallery of E3, and communications G6 Bg7 5 6 7 0-0 0-0 Nge2 E5 company 8 C6 10 D3 vitamin B3, and BA3 Nbd7 9 11 Qc7 H3 QD2 Re8 Rae1 in Nc5 12 14 and dxe4 13 E414 D4 becauses not a real option or 14 Neodymium ... And Cleveland itself to harassment.14 ... 15 Nfxe4 QC2 Nxc3 16 Nxc3 17 BE6 RD1 RD2 Rad8 BB2 A5 18 of 20 19 21 NE2 CS7 of Rfd1 Be5So far, took a lot of care or the position of the Jockey Club, the place, but now makes the move to provide Hikaru. Paper A4 22 21 ... 23 BD4 B4 in Nd7Please note that in real-time capture of a soldier with 23 Qxa4 becauses is a very bad idea, or 23 Nb6 ...! QB3 Nxc4 24-and-white is in fact a material loss. However, one soldier, there is still good on the obligations of the long term, because it is an embarrassing defense.23 ... Nb623 Bxd4 ... Not a good idea, because Black would give up its importance to the defense of the pawn D6.24 Bxb6! Qxb6 RB1 in Qc7 25 28 27 26 RC1 from Qe7 ND4 gene RC8 RD3One soldier is still in indirect defense: 28 Qxa4? Bxg3! Black is good.Qxa4 28 ... 29 Environmental Protection Agency bxc5 Rxc5 Rec8 30 31 32 RB1 in Rxc4 QD1!White is a very brave knight to surrender to the position of Bishop of Mobile 24, but his plan seems to be to loose a black pawn on molecules and B7 D6.B6 and 32 ...White Paper on the need for strict control of the position. Maybe ... 32 R4c5! Worth a try, for example, 33 Rxb7 R8c7 34 Rxc7 Qxc7 QD2 35 + 36 KH2 Bxd4 RC1 of 37 beta Rxd4 RC233 Nb5 R4c5Utada very short time. He looked at 33 ... Rd8 Bf6 34 35 F4 Qc7 RC3 Nxd6 Rxb6 of 36 37 38 Qxc3 Rxc3 BD4 Queen Elizabeth II! But he did not have time to check all of the content.34 Nxd6 Bxd6 35 Rxd6 Bxa2 RA1 of 36 from RC1 on Rxc1 Rxc1 Rxg6 37 38 +Desperate measures to ensure the extra pawn.38 ... 40 Qd6 Qxc1 hxg6 39 H4-type (H5 Kh7 41 CS741 ... 42 gxh5 QC8 + Kg7 43 Qxf5 poor.42 hxg6 + Kxg6 QC2 43 G4 in B5 in 44 Qe544 BE6 ...? 45 + 46 gxf5 Bxf5 E4 favorite and won one, but 44 B4 ... What's this?Seems worth a try, because it is very difficult to white, and black soldiers bound AFP - pawn is lost anyway.45 gxf5 + Kg745 ... 46 Kf6 Qc6 +! Kxf5? 47 structure of the BH3 + F4's Kg5 48 wins the queen.Qd6 46 Qe4Queen leads exchange to win the ashes, and we will see shortly.BC4 QH4 boron trifluoride 47 48 49 50 QF6 Qxf6 be4 + Kxf6 barium50 F4 ... Of the B4, B3 51 52 53 B2 from BB1 to win the KF2.Those 51 F4 B3 53 B4 52 KF2 BD5 Kxf5 54 KF3 Kg6 E4 55 of 56 Ke3 Kf6He is now a simple technique to win, but those of us low-tech in the game is easy to screw up. For example, 56 Kg4? BB1 favorite is a tie.56 ... F5 of 58 Kg4 Kd4 Kh5 57 Kg5 59 Ke5 1-0
Scores after round 4: Vishy Anand, 卢克麦克谢恩 8 / 12.7 Vladimir Kramnik, Carlsen 6, Hikaru Nakamura 5, Mickey Adams, 5.2, David Howell, Nigel Short 1. (Note that the game is 3 points for a win, draw 1 point and losses 0)

For more information and to buy tickets to The London Chess Classic, please go to

High quality photos may be found on the website at


For further information please call:
John Saunders
Press Chief, London Chess Classic
Mobile: 07777 664111
E :

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