Tuesday, December 14, 2010

London Chess Classic round 5 report

News release
Sunday 11th December 2010

Chess today is the Unofficial 'to London, United Kingdom The World' Ora Et Labora fit joinings as critical as the tournament leader with Vishy Anand and Luke McShane clashes. By the end of round numbers had swelled to the leaders of the three, as Carlsen of taking advantage of the 'system of assessment of Soccer' to join Luke and Vishy 'At the head of the field.

The first game to finish the Anand-McShane, there is not enough ended in a draw. Luke seems to be under pressure, some of the opening and Vishy or Edge remaining for most games, but it is capable of amplifying the thunder Edge. He tried to offer the general mortgage was the Queen driving away, but just enough for the repetition of position.

Nigel Short was dead, others do not say it. In the spirit of carelessness born of desperation, he tried to sacrifice part of the Marshall Attack (9 ... E4) for any Hikaru is almost completed but could not find a continuation of the stable to the 11 g3 any relevant page is showing This line may not be feasible in the super-GM level. short positions after 20 Qf5 seemed so desperate and prove it. Nigel is so abundant usual self in the comment section and the event were treated to a wallet from the U.S. is Singing 'At the End of the mouth.

Chess Classic of London, London, 2nd (5), 12.12.2010
H. Nakamura - N. Short
Ruy Lopez, Marshall Counterattack

1 E4 E5 2 NF3 Nc6 3 BB5 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 Be7 A6 4 6 Re1 B5 7 Bb3 0-0 8 c3 d5
Marshall was. Nigel is played from a handful of time: for years, but Hikaru could not expect to go.
E4 9 exd5!?
The Steiner variation. This may be related, after GM had analyzed this game, the relevant question and exclamation points are shown here Swap happy with - or call signs may disappear completely. "This is the kind of changes relating to negligence occurs when you have ½ / 4" (short). "1 got the idea from Nigel will play Crazy Little Something will" (Nakamura). Changes related to alleged Nigel Malcolm Pein play this line and he jokingly suggested Plays Changes related to these men out of the game but no ... E4 we are honored by the tournament director can be found in the latest Mega Database.
10 g3 11 dxc6 exf3
It is logical to follow, is aimed at emerging from the opening, or outside of the mortgage, is the way or less improvised by Hikaru 'On the blackboard. Have played before, but almost in the books mentioned in this line. "User Recommendations are 11 D4 - maybe there would be a new proposal after the book The Game" (short); 11 Qxf3 Another way to play and the one chosen by a couple of days of Bobby Fischer.
11 .... Re8 12 D4
Black dangerous fact-finding last move of the payload carried by the hunt. 12 Qxf3'm official here? Bc5! White and suddenly exposed to the position of the Rook and Tricks Fight back, for example RF1 13 Bg4! Qg2 Qc8 14, etc..
12 .... Bg4 13 BB5 H6
13 .... Qd6 14 Qd3 H6 15 Bxf6 Bxf6 16 ND2 Qxc6 17 Qg6!? Qh5 Be6 18 F3 Round up mortgages and White Sign up for Facebook ensure the benefits of these one-pawn.
Bxf6 Bxf6 14
For the White decision is up to them or in the dark-squared bishop of the problems he is not as black-squared bishop does not need to waste a lot of dark future of the dominant white pawn on the black box.
ND2 15 Qd6 16 h3! Bh5
16 + 17 .... Rxe1 Qxe1 Bxh3 18 Qe4 White and will soon rise again from the mortgage, with improved positional advantage.
17 Qc2!
With the threat of Qf5, embarrassing bishop h5.
17 .... 18 BB5 NE4 Qxc6
18 Qg6'm here at the official White .... may increase the pressure with 19 Qd3 11 BC2 and garbage, is another Black himself only succeeded in bottling up the pieces in the kingside.
19 Nxg5 hxg5 20 Qf5
Nigel says U. S. Changes related to, paradoxically, it must still, some trust in this position longer than he pawn down, but now the materials, it went really desperate.
Rxe1 + 20 ....
20 .... 21 Qg6 Bxg6 Qxg6 22 Bd5 wins F3 mortgage, leading to a comfortable win Tech.
21 Re8 22 Re5 Rxe1
Not Rxe8 + 22? Qxe8 When the threat level back to the importance of 23 Qe5 Qxe5 24 dxe5 White and endangered species is Winning this opportunity.
22 .... Rxe5 dxe5 23 Bg6
Once Again .... 23 24 Qg6 allows Qxg6 Bxg6 25 Bd5 and drop off mortgage F3.
24 Qd8 + Kh7 Qe4 Qxg5 Qh4 + 25 26 27 F6 Qxh4 gxh4
Interfere with the black, almost double the h-pawn assist help lead the White. 'M Here, the official is defended by the Trier-f pawn with 27 Bh5 .... White's king can now gone out to the street Attack g3 and h2 and play D1 ¥ waste going to win.
Exf6 gxf6 28 Bd5 29 Bd3 be4 A5 B4 33 30 31 axb4 cxb4 32 Bc4 + KH2
Bxc4 33? discount can we offer to you as The Black pawn can not be stopped; 33 Bxf3? Also under Bxa2 as-optimum after 33 .... Black might have a trick SOME b-pawn on a drive through (in very Good Day, anyway).
33 .... 1-0 Kh6 34 A3

But these comments point in the room, Nigel concluded the session with a brief snatch of the song The First Line "What You Get If your mortgage from your pocket?" Accordingly, at the time of the 1960 hit "I'll never Fall in Love Again" by Bobbie Gentry (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIVOjfadGf0). That's the show-stopping rendition, a Crowd on their feet and ask for more Garland threw flowers. A new prison jobs suddenly up Nigel - this year's Olympic Games, in front of Albert Hall. You can have compassion continue to see my own 'On web 5.3. Nigel friendly libretto attributed to former British champion GM Jonathan Mestel and Jokes incredible. That's just the feeling of shame and the King, GM Changes related to not take this guitar (he was gigging night before, playing Latin music), or we offer to you could have been having sessions Olympics.

But, refusing to return to chess, Black was right when he said this: line 34 as a horse .... Be6 35 Bxf3 Kg6 36 F5 37 Kg3 Kf4 Bd7 38 h5 + Kf6 39 Bd7 40 Bd3 BC6 be2 H6 41 and indicative of further despair.

Mickey Adams faced Suyanto's Vlad the Berlin Wall was celebrated with a 4 D3, no one thought enough of it says the Russian as "The Main line" Against this barricade trademark. Once, some effects, achieving the position of the player with a small edge to White but it proved to be quite easy to be maintained by Black. Instead after a few interested in the Exchange approved.

David Howell, as the old English friend who, looking cruel you say? From the collection of the Bible "the relevant page is it not, from him shall be taken not simply change related events, it has been." There is always the tendency for the Gang at the Players Who does not make too much of competition in the Ora et Labora. Of course, the, the page is relevant it is paired with Magnus Carlsen What does not help helping. Event is very, very much like David, was alive and suffered only slight loss of 'fear of control. However, he lost by 42 almost immediately and then have 43 G5 Qg3 disaster cost him quite a piece.

Chess Classic of London, London, 2nd (5), 12.12.2010
D. Howell - M. Carlsen

This is the Black King and More Secure a small profit but do not add up to much.
42 G5?
David would prefer to find counterplay but it must have been content enough, and because it has a tactical flaw. 42 ... QA4! Black threat and now will Qe4 Qh1 mother. Able to defend white, but the page NG3 associated with the position they'll f-pawn sacrifice, and that it will collapse.
43 Qg3?
Lose this piece. When White was the best possible Qe3 43 43 44 ... QE2 Qxe2 45 Qd1 Nxe5 46 Bxe2 hxg5 fxg5 will probably win for Black.
43 ... Qd1! 44 Nf6 +
Despair. White I can give is to defend the security for Knight on h5. 'M Here at the official 44 Bc4 Qh4 45 NG3 Black plays 45 ... Nd4! And all the tactics that work for Black. For example, 46 Bxd4 Qxd4 + 47 Kh1 Bc5 Bd5 + 48 49 ne2 bg2 Qd1 + and wins.
44 ... gxf6 gxf6 + Kh8 45 46 47 Qd3 Qxd3 Bxd3 BB1 Ba2 be4 Nb4 48 49 50 F5 51 ND5 KH2 Nf4 52 Bg4 Bxg4 exf5 Bxf5 53 Ne6 Be6 54 0-1 Bc5 55 Kg3 hxg4

This was the third win catapulted him into the Great Lead McShane together with Vishy Anand, and Luke, it is a technical leader in the tie-break as he should be this way Black (and how to win) Than a rival to this. The Unofficial 'to London, United Kingdom The World' incense ended 3-1 in favor of the World. Asked what he likes 'Soccer evaluation system', the Magnus, smiled and replied, "1 Now of course I give!".

Wednesday is a rest day - Round six is on Wednesday.

Scores after Round 5: Great Carlsen, Vishy Anand, Luke McShane 9 / 15, Vladimir Suyanto, Hikaru Nakamura 8, Mickey Adams 6, David Howell 2, Nigel Short 1. (Note, the game was scored 3 points for win, 1 point for draw and 0 points for a loss)

For more information and to purchase tickets to The London Chess Classic, please go to www.londonchessclassic.com

High Quality photos can be found on the website at http://www.londonchessclassic.com/photos.htm


For further information please call:
John Saunders
Press Chief, London Chess Classic
Mobile: 07777 664111
E : chesspress@londonchessclassic.com

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